Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Sorry for ranting....

I'm sorry, but something snapped while I was listening to the news this morning, and now my brain feels like it's about to explode from incredulity. Key figures in the Bush administration are suspected of orchestrating the firing of eight US attorneys because of their refusal to get with the program, stop investigating so many Republicans, and start investigating more Democrats; and now, when the Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee wants some of the principal figures involved in this scandal to testify publically under oath about their knowledge of this whole sorry situation, he is accused of initiating a "partisan fishing expedition."

I'm sorry, but the hypocrisy and disengenuousness of that statement are staggering. Mind-blowing. I'm left practically speechless from outrage. And yes, I understand the importance of attorney/client privilege, and how essential it is for the President to be able to receive candid and confidential advice from his advisors, and all the rest. But isn't this the same administration which has already attempted to cut the heart out of attorney/client privilege as part of its so-called "War on Terror," by denying "enemy detainees" both habeus corpus and the right to counsel, even to the extent of investigating (and prosecutiong) attorneys who represent accused terrorists, and pressuring corporate cronies to stop doing business with law firms who provide pro bono legal services to individuals who the Bushies believe don't even deserve a fair trial?

Of course, I suppose Congress could always consider the option of hiring some "independent military contractors" to kidnap the "honorable public servents" in question, and deliver them to some secret undisclosed off-shore location where they could be waterboarded and in other ways "not tortured" until they reveal everything they know. But oops, I almost forgot...those Blackwater guys all seem to work for (and vote for, and contribute vast amounts of money to) the Republicans too. So I guess that won't work. Even though Attorney General Alberto Gonzales assures us it is all perfectly legal.

And I'm so, so sorry to be witnessing this whole sad, sicknening chapter in the history of our Democratic Republic....

So terribly, terribly sorry....

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